Charging Scheme

These commissions and services charges, were effective from 1 August 2021.

Trading Commission
Investment Product Commission
Securities orders placed 0.25% on transaction amount (negotiable)
(Minimum: HKD 50)
Pre-IPO Trading (Off-Market) 0.25% on transaction amount (Internet and Telephone)
(Minimum: HKD 150)
Other transaction fees
Items Charger Description of Fees
Stamp Duty HK Government 0.1% on order consideration (Round up to the nearest dollar)
Trading Fee HKEX 0.005% on order consideration
Transaction levy SFC 0.0027% on order consideration
Settlement fee HKEX and Ruibang *** 0.002% on consideration*** (Minimum: HKD 2, Maximum: HKD 100)
Trading tariff HKEX HKD 0.5 per transaction
TSF settlement fee ** Ruibang 0.15% on consideration plus HKD 2 per transaction
Inter-counter transfer fee HKEX HKD 5 per transaction
FRC Transaction Levy FRC 0.00015% on order consideration
Scrip withdrawal or deposit fees
Items Charger Description of Fees
Custody Fee Ruibang Free
Scrip deposit HK Government HKD 5 stamp duty per transfer deed
Scrip withdrawal Ruibang HKD 10 per transfer deed (Minimum: HKD 100)
HKEX HKD 3.5 per board lot (Round up to the nearest board lot)
S.I. securities deposit Ruibang Free
S.I. securities withdrawal Ruibang HKD 10 per board lot (Minimum: HKD 100)
HKEX Input fee HKD 1
I.S.I. securities deposit Ruibang Free
I.S.I. securities withdrawal Ruibang HKD 10 per board lot (Minimum: HKD 100)
HKEX Input fee HKD 1
Account transaction fees
Items Description of Fees
Cheque deposit Free
Cash withdrawal Free
Bank remittance HKD 200
Returned cheque HKD 100 per cheque plus bank charge
Stop Cheque HKD 100 per cheque plus bank charge
IPO fee
Items Description of Fees
IPO - Public Offer Tranche HKD 50
IPO - Placing Tranche HKD 300
Securities / contract expiration fees
Items Charger Type of securities / contract Description of Fees
CBBC mandatory call / expiry Ruibang No cash value Free
Ruibang With cash value HKD 5 per transaction
HKEX HKD 0.8 per board lot
Exercise fees for the warrants
Items Charger Description of Fees
Exercise of in-the-money derivative warrant Ruibang HKD 5 per transaction
HKEX HKD 0.8 per board lot
Exercise of equity warrant Ruibang HKD 1 per board lot (Minimum: HKD 5, Maximum: HKD 100)
HKEX HKD 0.8 per board lot (Maximum: HKD 10,000)
Distribution fees
Items Charger Description of Fees
Scrip Fee HKEX HKD 1.5 per board lot ( Round up to the nearest board lot)
Collection of dividend or cash distribution on behalf ** Ruibang 0.5% of cash amount of dividend (Minimum: HKD 20, Maximum: HKD 200)
HKEX 0.12% of total dividend amount
Collection of scrip dividend (including bonus share, warrant and rights issue) on behalf Ruibang HKD 5 per board lot (Minimum: HKD 20, Maximum HKD 100)
Unclaim dividend or other entitlements Ruibang HKD 230 per transaction
HKEX HKD 200 per transaction
Corporate action fees
Items Charger Description of Fees
Preferential subscription including rights subscription and preferential offer ('PO') Ruibang HKD 1 per board lot (Minimum: HKD 5, Maximum: HKD 100)
HKEX HKD 0.8 per board lot (Maximum: HKD 10,000)
Customers who apply for the PO should pay the related commission, transaction levy and settlement fee.
Share consolidation / subdivision Ruibang HKD 5 per board lot (Minimum: HKD 20, Maximum: HKD 100)
Acquisition / Privatization Ruibang HKD 5 per board lot (Minimum: HKD 20, Maximum: HKD 100)
HK Government Stamp Duty 0.1% (Round up to the nearest dollar)
Reverse consolidation / subdivision Ruibang HKD 30 per transaction
Administration fees for statement handling
Items Description of Fees
e-Statement Free
Paper statement HKD50 per statement
Re-issue of e-Statement Within 3 month - Free
Beyond 3 month - HKD 50 per statement
Other charges
Items Charger Description of Fees
Real-time quotation service Ruibang HKD 388 per month
Short selling ( Compulsory buy back) HKEX 0.5% of securities value on settlement day (Maximum: HKD 100,000)
Ruibang 0.5% of securities value on settlement day (Maximum: HKD 100,000)
Audit confirmation Ruibang HKD 200 per time
Cash account overdue interest Ruibang Prime rate +9% per annum
* The above commissions and service charges are for reference only. Ruibang reserves the rights to adjust without prior notice.
** Fees are charged on the basis of settlement currency.
*** HKEx will collect 0.001% on consideration respectively for crossed trade.
Note: All accounts calculated with reference to Prime Rate quoted by HSBC, subjected to fluctuation. Ruibang Securities Limited might adjust the overdue interest accordingly from time to time.